► Frequently Asked Questions
- What is an Internet site?
- What is HTML?
- What is a Home Page (Web Site)?
- Who can see my Web Site?
- What is a Web Browser?
- How much does a Web site cost?
- How do you get my site so people can find it?
- Can I develop my own Web site?
- How can people see my Web site?
- How can someone find my Web site if they do not know my address?
- What can visitors do at my site?
- How many pages make up a site?
- How much information can I include on a single page?
- How fast can a client access my Web Page?
- Can I have text effects in my page?
- Can I have tables in my page?
- Can I have lists on my pages?
- Can I have Streaming Media / FLASH/ Audio / Video on my site?
- Can I accept credit card payment directly from my site?
- How soon can I get a Web site?
An Internet website is a site (location) on the World Wide Web. Each Web site contains a home page, which is the first document users see when they enter the site. The site might also contain additional documents and files. Each site is owned and managed by an individual, company or organization.
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTML), is the "programming language" of the WWW. It is a way for converting a plain text node to a hypertext node. An HTML file is an ASCII file with some special markings, usually between '<' and '>'.
A Home Page (or a Web Site) is your own home on the Internet. It contains pages of pictures, information and links that can be viewed by a computer anywhere in the world. Everyone interested in you, your products and/or your services will visit it in order to find more about you.
Anyone throughout the world who have an Internet connection will be able to visit your site 24 hours a day. There are approximately 70 million Internet users currently and they are expected to increase to 200 Million.
It is a software program which allows you to view the web sites in the Internet (World Wide Web,) and travel between them. In the last few years graphical viewers like Microsoft Explorer, Netscape, Opera, and Firefox have become available.
We can design a Web site or just one page to fit your budget. We’ve designed Web pages for as low as $300 all the way to several thousand dollars. It mainly depends on the complexity and number of pages.
The best approach is to submit it directly to the popular search engines. There’s also some things that can be done to the pages to make them more visible to search engines. We can do that for you if you wish. Contact Us for details.
Yes, just like you can do your own taxes almost anyone can design a Web site. The biggest problem for those that don’t do it often is time. It can take many hours to get a Web site looking the way you want. Still after spending that time, people are often not pleased with the result.
Each web site is given a unique address. This address helps the browsers to locate your site and display your pictures and text in different sizes and effects. The best way for someone to find your site is to know your address. You will give your address to potential customers. You will print it on letters, envelopes, brochures, business cards, and promotional items. It is just like giving your phone or fax number.
Your potential client may find your site through searching. Your client can search for your product and/or services using key words, which are typed in a search engine's search box.
Potential clients can look at the information you want to provide, place orders for your products, ask for more information or even save your address for contacting you later or printing out. Visitors can participate in polls, surveys, or contests. They can sign up for your newsletter(s). They can purchase your goods on line. You can provide FREE information to help educate your clients in your field of specialty. Your customers can have customized welcome pages geared specifically for their shopping profile.
As many or as few as you need. The idea is to have your information divided into sections and then each section will consist of as many pages as you need to provide sufficiebt information to the viewer. For example, your site can have as many sections as the number of the departments in your organization.
There's no limit! The viewer can scroll through a single page of any length. You can have a whole telephone directory in a single page but this will not be effective since it will download VERY slowly and will discourage viewers to reach the end of your page. Pictures take much longer to load than text. We will try to have a visible picture but also pages of a logical size to avoid increasing download time.
It depends on the graphics size. Text downloads almost immediately. Therefore, we will optimize your graphics so that they download quickly.
Yes! You can have different sizes, different colors, different styles such as Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Subscript or Superscript. Of course, these are the main effects that all browsers support. According to the browser, you can also have scrolling text and different type of fonts.
Yes! Your site can have tables to help you present your information. A table can have text, pictures or links of any alignment, color and width.
Once more yes! You can have ordered or unordered lists, with numbers or bullets.
Absoplutely. These applications can greatly enhance a website. However, you need to make sure that your site will be a quick download, and that the majority of your viewers will have the necessary programs installed on their own computers to utilize them effectively.
Yes. Customers may be reluctant to disclose their credit card details over the Internet. Therefore, if you have a merchant account / secure certificate, we make sure that your hosting company provides a secure server for these transactions. We can help you get a "secure server certificate." If you DO NOT have a merchant account, there are other options available to you to receive payment.
A Business card can be up in one week. A brochure site can be up within a week also. Your final web site will be ready, usually within 30 days, depending on the amount of work that needs to be scanned, graphic design items necessary, and e-commerce components to incorporate, etc. This is generally within 30 days after your approval of the design and is dependent upon how extensive your site is. Major corporate sites will take longer due to complexity and depth of site architecture.

Specializing in High Quality Graphic Designs SOLA Design Studio is a Web Development, Internet Consulting and Design Company.
We offer a vast range of services for our clients, so each of you can take a major step forward in your business endeavor. From complete website development to single graphics design.
Why does your business need a web page?
Every company faces yearly high costs in terms of advertising. With a web page, you'll be available for your customers. The customers can find your information fast and easy at their convenience. This will save both client and company valuable time and money. "Time is Money" and we all want to save both wherever we can.
We enjoy working with small businesses and non-profit organizations because We understand the needs of each of these groups, having both worked with and been personally involved in both. Small operations tend not to have the resources to invest in training for web-related issues. Yet they still need websites. Our job is to gain an understanding of the needs of the organization and utilize our web skills to create a unique, strong web presence.
We believe that web design should be simple and aesthetically pleasing. It is not necessary to sacrifice beauty for functionality, or vice versa. It is possible to maintain high visual standards, even when there is a lot of information to present.
Not everybody has the ability to have the most up to date computers and software for viewing the web. We believe that everyone should have access to information on the web without buying into the technology giants' pace for progress by having to load plug-ins or upgrade browsers. We work with clients to identify their audience and build sites that will be accessible to that group. Money and geography should not get in the way of access to information.
Just as money should not get in the way of access to information, it should also not prevent a small business or non-profit organization from providing information to the public. It is for this reason that We offer lower rates than most web designers with my skills and experience.